Cucumber_tricks gem : my favorite Gherkin and Cucumber tricks

1 minute read

I just compiled my Gherkin and Cucumber goodies into a gem. It’s called cucumber_tricks and the source code can be found on github. It’s also tested on travis and documented in details on relish.

The goal of all these tricks is to be able to write more natural english scenarios. Here is an extract from the readme of the gem, which explains what it can do :

Use pronouns to reference previously introduced items


Given the tool 'screwdriver'
When this tool is used


A_TOOL = NameOrPronounTransform('tool', 'hammer')

Given /^(#{A_TOOL})$/ do |tool|

Use the same step implementation to handle an inline arg as a 1-cell table


GivenEither /^the dog named "(.*)"$)$/,
            /^the following dogs$/ do |dogs_table|


Given the dog "Rolphy"
Given the following dogs
  | Rex  |
  | King |
  | Volt |

Add default values to the hashes of a table


Given the following dogs
  | names | color |
  | Rex   | white |
  | King  | Sand  |


Given /^the following dogs$$/ do |dogs|
  hashes = dogs.hashes_with_defaults('names', 'tail' => 'wagging', 'smell' => 'not nice')

#  hashes.each do |hash|
#    expect(hash['smell']).to eq('not nice')
#  end


Define named lists from a table


Given the following dishes
  | Spaghetti Bolognaise | => | Spaghetti | Bolognaise sauce |       |         |
  | Burger               | => | Bread     | Meat             | Salad | Ketchup |


Given /^the following dishes$$/ do |dishes|
  name_2_dishes = dishes.hash_2_lists

#  expect(name_2_dishes['Burger']).to eq(['Bread','Meat','Salad','Ketchup'])


Visit relish for more detailed documentation.

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