Detailed Agenda of a DDD Big Picture Event Storming - Part 1

3 minute read

Kick starting a project with a DDD Big Picture Event Storming can be chaotic. Here is a detailed agenda and a sample briefing to set it on the right track.

ℹ️ NOTE: An updated version of this post has been published on the Event Storming Journal blog

This is the 5th post in a series about how to use Event Storming to kick start architecture on good tracks. If you want to understand the full story, I recommend you to start reading from the beginning.

In the 2 previous posts (3rd and 4th), I went over all the preparation to do before the workshop. Let’s move into the real thing. Now that we have everything ready, how do we actually run this workshop?

Drawing of people discussing in front of an empty design Space. This is what looks like a DDD Event Storming session before it starts.

1. Prepare the room

Photo of the room setup before the DDD Event Storming session starts.

I learned from experience that I to come in the room around 30 minutes in advance to prepare it for the workshop. Previous post has all the room preparation details. Roughly, this includes:

  • Removing tables and chairs
  • Sticking the design-space to the wall
  • Sticking the Visual Agenda to the wall
  • Laying down the rest of the material somewhere

2. Energizer

Photo of participants during an energizer. Energizers are important to set the tone before a DDD Event Storming
Participants walking around during a Collaborative Face Drawing energizer. Picture from

As I’ve already said, DDD Event Storming is a different kind of architecture meeting. It won’t work if people don’t get out of their traditional way. Running a physical energizer with everyone is great for that.

It’s also very useful to raise the energy level. Event Storming can be pretty intense and tiring, so they’ll need all the energy they can. You can find many great physical energizers at I’ve had success with many of them.

3. Briefing and Agenda

Now is the time to present the workshop. Start with the goal, scope and use cases. It’s the good moment to explain each step we will go through, and how they will help us to reach our end goal. It’s also a good time to introduce some general conventions. Here is a typical brief I could say.

General goal

Remember that DDD Event Storming is a way to shrink months of Big Design Up Front into a few days! It’s going to be intense, but we’ll do a lot in a very short time.

Event Storming might be chaotic. It might be rocky and go in unexpected ways at times, we might need to adjust. 💡 At the end of the day though, the success is all up to how much you want it!


The main outcome of this workshop is the shared knowledge between domain experts and developers. We’ll later build on this shared knowledge to get .

We must stick to domain language if we want to keep this collaboration alive. 💡 I’ve seen Event Storming sessions drifting into technical discussions, this leads nowhere.

Scope and use cases

Today, we’ll work in the scope of <your scope>. To make things a bit more concrete, we’ll start with these use cases in mind <list your use cases>. We’ll be modeling around domain events such as <your 1st event>.

Domain Events

Drawing of a Domain Event orange Post-It written "A trade was booked". Domain Events are the main building blocks of DDD Event Storming

A quick brief about post-it colors.

Orange post-its are for Domain Events. Here is an example <You sample event>. Here are a few points to help you understand what domain events are:

  • You could read about them in domain books

  • Domain experts understand them

  • Writing them in past tense is a trick to create meaningful events. They are not actions of someone or something (not “The trader books the deal”). Even though some events will result from actions, we are not interested in actions yet.

  • They are not technical, and should not be specific to our system’s implementation

Domain Definitions (aka Ubiquitous Language)

Drawing of a Domain Definition Yellow Post-It written "Counterparty...". DDD Event Storming is great at building up the Ubiquitous Language

Whenever we come across or agree on a domain word, feel free to write a definition for it on a large yellow post-it. This is a way to build up a domain ubiquitous language. This is very helpful to improve the communication between all of us. This in turn improves how we work in many different aspects (ex: when choosing what to refactor).


Drawing of a Problem purple Post-It written "A trade was booked". Many problems and questions usually come up during a DDD Event Storming workshop

Likewise, we use purple post-its to park “problems”. Whenever we encounter:

  • a question we cannot answer
  • something that does not seem right
  • or any problem we should look into

Record it on a purple post-it.

Sustainable pace

Finally, to keep the pace sustainable, we’ll take a 5 minutes break every 50 minutes.

Once this general speech is over, I usually quickly present every steps of the agenda.

To be continued

This only covers the first half of the workshop. In next post, we’ll go over the following steps.

This was the 5th post in a series about how to use Event Storming to kick start architecture on good tracks.

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