How to boot a new Rails project with Docker and Heroku
A few years ago, I used Heroku to deploy my side-project. It provides great service, but I remember that updates to the Heroku Stack was a nightmare … Versions of the OS (and nearly everything) changed. The migration was a matter of days, and while doing a side-project, this was difficult. At the time, I remember thinking that using branches and VMs would have been the solution.
Now that I started to use Heroku again, I decided to use Docker from the beginning. More specifically, I am expecting :
- to have a minimal setup on my host machine
- to use the same infrastructure in dev than in production
- to simplify switching to a new machine
- to simplify the migration to the next Heroku stack
As an added benefit, if ever someone else joins me in my side-project, it will be a matter of minutes before we can all work on the same infrastructure !
Heroku provides a tutorial about how to deploy an existing Rails app to heroku using containers. Unfortunately, I did yet have an existing rails app … So the first challenge I faced, was how to create a Rails app without actually installing Rails on my machine. The trick is to bootstrap rails in docker itself before packaging all this for Heroku.
1. Install the required software
I installed only 4 things on my host machine
- Docker instructions
- Docker Compose instructions
- Heroku Toolbelt instructions
- Heroku container plugin
heroku plugins:install heroku-container-tools
That’s all I changed to my host machine.
2. Setup docker
First, let’s create a new dir and step into it. Run :
mkdir docker-rails-heroku
cd docker-rails-heroku
To prepare the Heroku setup, create a Procfile
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
and app.json
"name": "Docker Rails Heroku",
"description": "An example app.json for container-deploy",
"image": "heroku/ruby",
"addons": [
To generate docker files for Heroku, run :
heroku container:init
You want to run Rails in dev mode locally, so we need to override Heroku’s default env (Check my previous post for details)
Create an .env
and docker-compose.override.yml
- '.:/app/user'
3. Create the Rails app
It’s now time to follow the official docker-compose rails tutorial to bootstrap the rails app and directories :
Change Dockerfile
# FROM heroku/ruby
FROM ruby:2.2.0
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev nodejs
RUN mkdir /myapp
WORKDIR /myapp
ADD Gemfile /myapp/Gemfile
ADD Gemfile.lock /myapp/Gemfile.lock
RUN bundle install
ADD . /myapp
Create a bootstrap Gemfile
with the content
source ''
gem 'rails', '4.2.0'
Bundle install within the container requires a existing Gemfile.lock
# Create an empty Gemfile.lock
touch Gemfile.lock
It’s now time to build your docker container to be able to run rails and generate your source files. Run the following :
# Build your containers
docker-compose build
# Run rails within the shell container and generate rails files
docker-compose run shell bundle exec rails new . --force --database=postgresql --skip-bundle
Unfortunately, rails is ran as root inside the container. We can change ownership and rights with this command :
# Change ownership
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .
# Change rights
sudo chmod -R ug+rw .
4. Make it Heroku ready
Now that the rails files are generated, It’s time to replace the bootstrap settings with real Heroku Dockerfile
Revert Dockerfile
to simply :
FROM heroku/ruby
Heroku uses Puma so we need to add it to our Gemfile
# Use Puma as the app server
gem 'puma', '~> 3.0'
We also need to add a config file for Puma. Create config/puma.rb
with this content (you can check heroku doc for details)
workers Integer(ENV['WEB_CONCURRENCY'] || 2)
threads_count = Integer(ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5)
threads threads_count, threads_count
rackup DefaultRackup
port ENV['PORT'] || 3000
environment ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development'
on_worker_boot do
# Worker specific setup for Rails 4.1+
# See:
It should now be possible to rebuild the container, and run the app :
# Rebuild the containers
docker-compose build
# Start the rails app using the web container
docker-compose up web
The app should be accessible at
5. Deploying to heroku
We’re almost ready to deploy to heroku.
First, we need to exclude development files from our image. For this, we need to create a .dockerignore
file with the content
It’s then classic Heroku deploy commands :
# create an Heroku app
heroku apps:create <your-app-name>
# And deploy to it
heroku container:release --app <your-app-name>
Your app should be accessible on line at https://
Rails does not provide a default homepage in production. But you can check the logs with
heroku logs --app <your-app-name>
6. Running commands
When in development mode, you might want to run rails or other commands on your source code again. The shell container exists just for that, run docker-compose run shell ...
# For example, to update your bundle
docker-compose run shell bundle update
EDIT 2016-07-20
For the moment, there’s a catch with bundle install or update commands, as the gems are installed outside the shared volume, only Gemfile.lock will be updated, which required to run docker-compose build again … I’ll have a look into this later and see if I can fix that.
docker-compose run shell bundle update
docker-compose build
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