Why Machine Learning in Software Engineering #2: An Experiment

4 minute read

A Machine Learning in Software Engineering intern identified critical tests to run. He also confirmed the open-closed principle, modular code, and small-commits!

A drawing of a robot reading a book. Can we use machine learning on software engineering challenges?

This is part 2 of a 3 posts story about how we tried to apply machine learning to software engineering. In the previous post, I explained how data science could help us to make better decisions. If you haven’t, start reading from the beginning.

With all the technical coaching going on, I am already quite busy at work. I cannot dive into machine learning for software engineering myself. Fortunately, I found an intern to explore the topic.

Ismail’s internship

That’s how I had the chance to meet and welcome Ismail for 6 months. We had many topics to work on but here is the one we selected:

Given a commit and a list of slow-running end-to-end tests, which tests are most likely to fail?

Developers and testers used to pick the tests to run from experience. Automating this looked promising because:

  • Murex has already industrialized its QA, so we had log-data to rely on.
  • It could save developers from a lot of waiting-for-tests time.

The internship was not straightforward and Ismail had to go through many hoops. Still, it generated very interesting results.

Close-up photo of a microscope. Ismail had to dig into the data to find valuable information to feed his machine learning in software engineering algorithms

Main outcome

Ismail succeeded in finding a subset of tests that are most likely to fail. The model is not accurate enough to avoid running the entire test harness though. 😞

Still, it is useful in different ways:

  • It can generate a fail-fast test-suite to run first. This can find errors earlier, or increase the confidence about a commit
  • It can also compute a quality-score on a commit in seconds, even before running any test

As of today, people in the QA department still need to see how to use this prototype.

Secondary findings

That was not all though. Ismail used the Gradient Boosting algorithm to train his models. Gradient Boosting is interpretable. A machine-learning algorithm is interpretable if it can explain its decisions. As Gradient Boosting relies on decision-trees, it’s easy to understand its conclusion.

That’s how we confirmed that software engineering best practices apply to our codebase!

Modular Code

The model relied on the position of files in the codebase. The model computes the average and standard-deviation of the positions of the committed files.

The decision-trees showed something surprising:

  • The average position only had a small impact on the test result!
  • Unlike the standard-deviation, which was everywhere in the decision-tree!
Graph of the main decision tree used in a test-result prediction model. The nodes checking the standard-deviation of the position of the files in the commit are highlighted
Graph of the main decision tree used in a test-result prediction model. The nodes checking the standard-deviation of the positions of the files in the commit are highlighted. We see that the first nodes in the tree, the almost half the nodes are about checking standard-deviation of the positions of the files. High Res image.

If a codebase is modular, it means that we can add new features with small and local changes. This will reduce a commit’s standard-deviation of positions. Which makes the commit more likely to pass the tests.

This confirmed that, in our codebase, modular code is easier to evolve.

Small commits

Ismail discovered that the number of files in a commit correlates with more test failures. In short, the smaller the commit, the safer.

Graph of the main decision tree used in a test-result prediction model. The node checking the number of files in the commit is highlighted
Graph of the main decision tree used in a test-result prediction model. The node checking the number of files in the commit is highlighted. We see that this node is the most significative after the standard-deviation of the positions of the files. High Res image.

Nothing new here, but a statistical proof that this applies to a specific codebase has value. Next time a grumpy programmer tells us something like:

Small commits are fine in theory, but it does not work like that here!

We’ll have an extra argument in our pocket to get the point!

Open-Closed principle

Ismail also took into account the revisions of files in a commit. He found that the higher the standard-deviation of file revisions, the more tests fail.

Graph showing test results probability of a commit over number of files on the abscissa, and standard-deviation of revisions on the ordinate. Passing tests are in green, failing tests are in red; the darker the color, the more likely.
Graph showing test results probability of a commit over number of files on the abscissa, and standard-deviation of revisions on the ordinate. Passing tests are in green, failing tests are in red; the darker the color, the more likely. We see that passed a particular standard-deviation, it is almost impossible for the commit to pass the test.

When code follows the open-closed principle, new features don’t impact the old code. This means that a commit’s standard-deviation of revisions will be small. Which, again, makes the commit more likely to pass the tests.

It’s also a case for splitting new features and refactoring in different commits:

  1. Refactor the old code to make the change easy
  2. Add the feature with new code only

Again this confirms a known best practice.

To be continued

This was part 2 of a 3 posts story about how we tried to apply machine learning to software engineering. In the next post, I’ll go over different opportunities for Machine Learning in Software Engineering.

Continue Reading…


Ismail and I gave a talk at Agile France 2019 and a BBL talk at leboncoin.fr. The slides are online.

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