Automatic Travis daily build with Heroku scheduler

less than 1 minute read

As I just released auchandirect-scrAPI, and that it relies on scrapping, I needed a daily build.

The Travis team is already working on this, and I found a small utility app called TravisCron where anyone can register his repo for an automatic build.

Unfortunately, the feature is not yet ready in Travis, and the TravisCron guys did not yet activate my repo. After having a look at the TravisCron source code and the Travis API, I found out that it is really simple to do the same thing on my own.

That’s how I created daily-travis. It’s a tiny Rake task, ready to be pushed and automaticaly scheduled on heroku that will restart the latest build when run.

Details are in the README

@Travis : Thanks again for your service.

I love Travis logo

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