How to prepare the room for a DDD Big Picture Event Storming
Running a DDD Big Picture Event Storming is a great way to kick start a project. Fortunately, it only requires common supplies. Here is a detailed checklist.
Running a DDD Big Picture Event Storming is a great way to kick start a project. Fortunately, it only requires common supplies. Here is a detailed checklist.
The massive domain knowledge sharing of a Big Picture Event Storming unlocks DDD. Good preparation makes running one easy. Here’s the 1st of a 4 posts step b...
The combination of Incremental Design and Event Storming is a better alternative to Big Design Up Front. It’s faster, safer and creates natural buy-in.
Although a nice idea in theory, Big Design Up Front has many problems that I learned the hard way. We should avoid BDUF most of the time.
Turning Kanban boards vertically fits western cultures better. Improving UX of our process tools would eventually lead to a more effective and sustainable pa...
Flipping your Kanban board columns is a cheap way to reduce multitasking and stress. Eventually, it contributes to a more sustainable pace.
As software people, we live in a complex-system world. To leverage on its non-linear effects, we need to multiply weird experiments.
Becoming business partners grants us freedom to refactor. Careful though, we must not over-abuse this trust if we want to maintain this partnership.