Become a Business Partner and Stop Begging for Refactoring
When we, developers, earn enough trust from business people, we become their business partners. As such we enjoy a lot more freedom to refactor.
When we, developers, earn enough trust from business people, we become their business partners. As such we enjoy a lot more freedom to refactor.
How to improve a factual business case for a refactoring to make it even more compelling to business people.
With a bit of discipline, we can make a factual business case for a large-scale refactoring that business people won’t resist.
In 2005, professors Bizer and Petty showed something interesting about human behavior. People make more efforts to avoid what they don’t want, than to get wh...
Have you ever tried to talk about refactoring with business people ? Most of the time, the matter is pushed aside or received with rolling eyes … A few weeks...
It can sometimes be a real challenge to integrate, let alone deploy, a refactoring step by step ! Here are some patterns that make this easier.
Refactoring step by step generate a ton of small tasks here and there. Here are some organization best practices to keep track of them.
How can we exploit short time slots here and there to perform large scale refactoring?