How we used the improvement kata to gain 25% of productivity - Part 5
This is the fifth (and last) post of a series of 5 about the improvement kata. If you haven’t read the beginning of the story, I recommend you start from par...
This is the fifth (and last) post of a series of 5 about the improvement kata. If you haven’t read the beginning of the story, I recommend you start from par...
This is the fourth post on a series of 5 about the improvement kata. If you haven’t read the beginning of the story, I recommend you start from part 1.
This is the third post on a series of 5 about the improvement kata. If you haven’t read the beginning of the story, I recommend you start from part 1.
In my previous post, I described the productivity issue our team was facing. How retrospectives did not work, and how I started looking at the improvement ka...
If you are serious about continuous improvement, you should learn the improvement kata.
Here is the main feedback I got about my previous post eXtreme eXtreme Programming.
What would XP look like if it was invented today ?
Do you remember how people who are not used to the phone tend to shout in it, for the message to get far ? Read on and I’ll explain how this silly habit will...