I just replaced Feedburner with MailChimp
Until now, I had been using Feedburner to manage the email subscriptions to my blog on mes-courses.fr. It had been working fine I thought it had been working...
Until now, I had been using Feedburner to manage the email subscriptions to my blog on mes-courses.fr. It had been working fine I thought it had been working...
I already wrote about my RSpec Matchers Combinators, I decided to extract them into the spec_combos gem.
Rspec matchers are a lot like predicates. Predicates that can talk … The good thing about predicates, as anybody who has done a bit of functional programming...
Surely this post is nothing new for experienced ruby developpers, but I found it so handy, that I thought it deserved a post of its own though. The problem i...
Version 1.3.0 of Cucumber droped spork support, so I had to find something else. I am using Guard setup with rspec and Cucumber for my Rails app.
There are already a lot of articles explaining how to setup an in memory SQLite database to speed up Rails specs or unit tests. Most of them explain how to c...
First, I recommend this book to any side project infected person : it’s a great motivation boost !
As agile and lean methodologies are gaining some place inside the workplace, especially in large corporations, I heard and saw quite a few teams struggling w...